MBA’s Stevens Speaks at DNC Panel Today

Mortgage Bankers Association President and CEO David Stevens, CMB, will speak today at an MBA-co-sponsored event, The Hill Presents: Real Estate & the U.S. Economy: A Policy Discussion on 2017 & Beyond.  

The U.S. real estate industry generates more than 20 percent of America’s GDP, employs more than 9 million people, and produces nearly two-thirds of the taxes raised by local governments for essential public services. Join The Hill to explore the state of the U.S. real estate market and future prospects for the industry with a new Congress and Administration.  

Moderated by Peter Schroeder, reporter with The Hill, featured speakers include:  

–Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md.

–Christopher Coes, Director of LOCUS

–Jeff DeBoer, President and CEO of The Real Estate Roundtable

–Tom McGee of the International Council of Shopping Centers

–Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass.  

The event will be live-streamed at NewsLink will provide coverage.