Mortgage Action Alliance Quarterly Advocacy Update Webinar Feb. 18
The Mortgage Action Alliance Inc. holds its next Quarterly MAA Advocacy Update on Thursday, Feb. 18 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET.
What’s going on in Washington? Get the buzz on the Beltway from those who know.
Join Bill Killmer, MBA Senior Vice President of Legislative and Political Affairs, and the entire MBA lobbying team, for the first Quarterly MAA Advocacy Update Webinar of the year. Current MAA Members receive complimentary access to these scheduled legislative and regulatory briefings that focus on the issues being debated in Congress that will impact the real estate finance industry.
During this 60-minute webinar, MBA’s legislative and policy experts will provide:
–An environmental scan of the current state of play in Washington
–A discussion of relevant industry issues Congress is expected to consider this year
–An overview of the 2016 Presidential race, including a post-Iowa caucus/New Hampshire primary summary review and what those results mean for the Presidential contest
To register, click https://www.mba.org/store/events/webinar/maa-quarterly-advocacy-update?utm_source=Informz&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=mba.org. Use Code MAAWEBINAR upon checkout to gain access at no charge.
The Mortgage Action Alliance is a voluntary, non-partisan and free nationwide grassroots lobbying network of real estate finance industry professionals, affiliated with the Mortgage Bankers Association.
For more information, visit http://www.mortgagebankers.org/Advocacy/MortgageActionAlliance, or contact Annie Gawkowski at agawkowski@mba.org or (202) 557-2816.