MBANow: MBA Economist Marina Walsh on Industry Trends
The Mortgage Bankers Association released a new MBANow video on YouTube featuring MBA Vice President of Analysis Marina Walsh, discussing recent industry trends.
The video can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSm70ClO18Y&feature=em-uploademail.
Walsh discusses independent mortgage bank market share and recent trends in the MBA National Delinquency Survey.
Walsh noted a steady shift since 2008 of mortgage originations coming from independent mortgage banks and away from depository institutions. “At the current time, about 46 percent of total mortgage originations came from IMBs, compared to just 25 percent a few years ago,” she said.
Walsh said this shift stems in part as refinance mortgage applications begin to wane and purchase originations grab a larger share. “Independent mortgage banks have been very adept at getting involved in their communities and brining in the first-time home buyer,” she said. She added that more and more IMBs are now servicing their own loans.
Meanwhile, the most recent NDS shows that mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures are at rates not seen since before the economic downturn in 2007. “We’re back to pre-recession levels,” Walsh said.
These and other videos in the MBANow series can be viewed at the MBA YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swk2VUJeZFI&feature=em-uploademail. The videos are also available on the MBA Insights landing page, https://www.mba.org/publications/insights/insights-publication##SubscriberID####RND##&PageID=21109.