MBA Partnerships for Member Benefits
The Mortgage Bankers Association announced three new partnerships to provide new benefits to MBA member companies, with Fannie Mae, Capital Markets Cooperative and The Mortgage Collaborative.
“MBA is proud to be partnering with key industry organizations to bring our members first class benefits and services,” said MBA President and CEO David Stevens. “MBA members will benefit from the array of cost savings, products and services offered by our new partners.”
Fannie Mae
Fannie Mae, through this partnership, will offer a series of benefits to MBA members, including discounts on Desktop Underwriter fees and other services. Additionally, this partnership will include various enhanced education, training and industry engagement offerings. “Fannie Mae is happy to support MBA’s efforts to provide broad education and outreach to the industry,” said Zach Oppenheimer, head of customer engagement with Fannie Mae. “We support fair and equitable access for lenders selling into the secondary market, and this strategic partnership with the MBA will create a closer working relationship between the two organizations, bringing more value to the housing finance system.”
Capital Markets Cooperative
As a result of MBA’s new agreement with Capital Markets Cooperative and The Mortgage Collaborative, MBA members will now be eligible to join both organizations at a reduced rate. Since 2003, Capital Markets Cooperative has been dedicated to its nationwide network of mortgage bankers to bring them a wide array of services including incentives and discounts from a full roster of preferred providers, risk management solutions, co-issue servicing acquisition and MSR valuations. “CMC’s Patron lenders will find terrific value as members of MBA,” said Tom Millon, prresident and CEO of Capital Markets Cooperative. “The benefits of MBA membership are great additions to the CMC product menu. We look forward to the relationships and opportunities that will develop as a result.”
The Mortgage Collaborative
Similarly, companies joining The Mortgage Collaborative can leverage the network’s collective market power and enjoy mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers of required services, investors and others in the mortgage value chain. “The Mortgage Collaborative understands the challenges of this industry and we believe this arrangement with MBA and its members can alleviate some of the business obstacles all involved face,” said John Robbins, CMB, chairman of The Mortgage Collaborative. “As a former Chairman of MBA, my partners and I look forward to continuing our relationship through this strategic partnership.”
To learn more about these benefits, click https://www.mba.org/members/member-center/new-benefits?utm_source=Informz&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=mba.org.
For more information about:
Fannie Mae: http://www.fanniemae.com/portal/index.html.
Capital Markets Cooperative: https://www.capmkts.org/.
The Mortgage Collaborative: http://www.mortgagecollaborative.com/.