HMDA Reporting/Fair Lending Implications Webinar Today

The Mortgage Bankers Association presents a webinar, HMDA Reporting and Its Implications, this afternoon from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.

This webinar is complimentary for purchasers of the Compliance Essentials HMDA Resource Guide. Please contact Lisa Volb at to register for the event.

The fair lending landscape continues to evolve. A panel of leading legal and compliance professionals will help you understand new challenges and then what steps you should be taking now to maximize compliance.

Attendees can expect to learn how the new Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data points may be used to make Fair Lending inferences and the legal context in which these inferences will be made. Panelists will also help attendees understand the importance of data accuracy leading up the HMDA implementation and how lenders can accurately perform a self-analysis of their data.

–A legal overview of Fair Lending and Community Reinvestment Act laws and their relationship with the new HMDA rule
–An understanding of how HMDA data will be used in Fair Lending enforcement)
–Previous uses of HMDA data for Disparate Impact and Fair Lending claims
–The importance of making sure your data is accurate nows
–Tools available for self-analysis of your data

Who Should Attend
–Compliance Managers and Staff
–Operations Personnel
–IT Staff
–In-House Counsel

–Melanie Brody, Partner, Mayer Brown
–Kathleen Ryan, Counsel, BuckleySandler
–Leslie Sowers, Member, Weiner Brodsky Kider
–Ken Markison, Vice President and Regulatory Counsel, MBA
–Elizabeth Kemp, Assistant Regulatory Counsel, MBA

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