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Top National News

Returns On Capital–And Interest Rates–Will Be Low In The Future
Forbes, Apr. 5, 2016--Conerly, Bill There's good reason to expect long-term returns on capital to be lower than historic averages in the coming decade. This conclusion is somewhat speculative but one that should concern every investor in every investment class.
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The Federal Reserve is Back in the Drivers Seat
Wall Street Journal, Apr. 5, 2016--Eisen, Ben As stocks sold off and volatility surged earlier this year, the talk of the markets was whether the Federal Reserve had lost control of the markets. Those concerns are going away quickly.
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Minneapolis Fed Chief: U.S. Needs to Guard Against Failure of Giant Banks
Minnesota Public Radio, Apr. 5, 2016--Moylan, Martin  Minneapolis Federal Reserve President Neel Kashkari believes not enough has been done to protect the country should one or more of the nation's megabanks face failure.
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Job Openings in U.S. Eased in February While Hiring Picked Up
Bloomberg, Apr. 5, 2016--Jamrisko, Michelle  Job openings eased in February from a six-month high and American employers took on more workers, offering further evidence of a firm U.S. labor market.
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U.S. Official Overseeing Wall Street Mortgage Probes to Leave
Bloomberg, Apr. 5, 2016--Schoenberg, Tom  Stuart Delery, the Justice Department official overseeing civil investigations of banks for conduct related to the financial crisis, is stepping down April 14 to explore options in the private sector.
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ISM Non-Manufacturing Index Hits 54.5 in March, vs. 54 Estimate
CNBC, Apr. 5, 2016--Lenzo, Krysia The U.S. economy's service sector expanded in March, a signal that business conditions are moving at a positive pace.
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February’s International Trade Deficit Widens
24/7 Wall Street, Apr. 5, 2016--Lange, Chris The trade deficit came in at a wider-than-expected $47.1 billion, primarily due to a rising cross-border demand. The consensus estimate from Bloomberg called for a deficit of $46.2 billion.
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Seven Steps to Housing Reform
Urban Institute, Apr. 5, 2016--Pollock, Alex J. Will these seven steps solve all the problems of American mortgage finance and ensure that we will never have another crisis?  Of course not.  But they will set us on road more promising than sitting unhappily where we are at present.
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Residential Finance News

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MBA News

MBA State and Local Workshop Apr. 11-12
The Mortgage Bankers Association's annual State and Local Workshop takes place Apr. 11-12 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.
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