MBA Announces Policy Network Chairs for 2016
The Mortgage Bankers Association announced its new leaders for its Independent Mortgage Bankers Network and Community Banks and Credit Unions Network.
The Independent Mortgage Bankers Network will be co-chaired by Eric Gates, CRMS, CMPS, president of Apex Home Loans Inc., and William Lowman, president of American Pacific Mortgage Corp. The Community Banks and Credit Unions Network will be chaired by Fowler Williams, CMB, president and director of Crescent Mortgage Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of CresCom Bank.
“MBA’s diverse membership provides a single loud, powerful, and effective voice for the entire industry,” said Pete Mills, MBA senior vice president of residential policy and member engagement. “These networks are critically important to ensuring that issues of concern to key segments of the industry are reflected in MBA’s advocacy and education efforts. The networks also provide a valuable forum for community-based lenders to share information on emerging industry trends and challenges in meeting the needs of American homebuyers.”
Gates is co-founder of Apex Home Loans, headquartered in Potomac, Md., and has more than 20 years of experience managing mortgage operations, currently overseeing the operations of Apex including Compliance and Investor Relations.
Lowman has served as president of American Pacific Mortgage since 2004, overseeing operations, credit/risk, capital markets, the branch network and the overall financial performance of his company.
Williams has been president and director of Crescent Mortgage, headquartered in Atlanta, since 2011. Crescent Mortgage works with more than 2,500 community banks, credit unions, correspondents and mortgage brokers in 46 states.