Bloomberg, Sept. 1, 2021-Alexandra LangeProperty owners and designers see cost savings and environmental benefits in adapting older buildings rather than tearing them down.
Group Newslink: MBA Commercial/Multifamily NewsLink Sept. 2 2021

House Rents Pop Up as New Investors Pile In
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 31, 2021–Will Parker (subscription)Would-be home buyers priced out of the sales market are finding little consolation when they turn instead to the single-family rental market. Prices …

Developers of Color Still Swimming Against the Current in Commercial Real Estate, Aug. 31, 2021–Oscar Perry AbelloCommercial real estate has long had “a whiteness problem.” According to Enterprise Community Partners, just two percent of real estate industry firms are Black-led. As …

House Rents Pop Up as New Investors Pile In
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 31, 2021–Will Parker (subscription)Would-be home buyers priced out of the sales market are finding little consolation when they turn instead to the single-family rental market.

New Life and Work Choices Revitalize Exurbs, Bringing New Strains
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 29, 2021–Cameron McWhirter, Paul Overberg (subscription)Lower costs and the ability to do jobs remotely draw throngs from cities and close-in suburbs, in particular to the southeast.

Eviction Ruling Puts New Pressure on Congress
The Hill, Aug. 28, 2021–Naomi JagodaCongress is under new pressure to keep millions of Americans in their homes after the Supreme Court blocked the Biden administration’s latest eviction moratorium.

‘Night and Day:’ FHFA’s Priorities Rapidly Changing Under New Leader
National Mortgage News, Aug. 27, 2021–Hannah Lang (subscription)The Federal Housing Finance Agency in the Trump administration had been preoccupied with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s capital position. Acting Director Sandra …

REIT MBS Holdings Slide as Firms Diversify Investments
Inside Mortgage Finance, Aug. 27, 2021–John BancroftReal estate investment trusts focused on the residential mortgage market reduced their holdings of MBS during the second quarter, according to a new Inside …

New Stores Are Still Opening Despite The Pandemic
NPR, Aug. 27, 2021–Alina SelyukhSomething remarkable has been happening in American retail. Despite the devastation of the pandemic, people are still opening new stores. That’s true about major chains but …

Supreme Court Blocks Biden Eviction Moratorium
The Hill, Aug. 26, 2021–John KruzelIn a ruling that appeared to break along familiar ideological lines, the conservative-majority court lifted the stay on a federal judge’s order which found the …