HousingWire, May 19, 2021–Mike FratantoniAfter more than a year with innumerable challenges, it appears the pandemic will end. Now, just as the recovery has commenced, we are at the beginning …
Group Newslink: MBA Commercial/Multifamily NewsLink May 20

Restaurant Closures Now at 14% Despite Apocalyptic Predictions
Bloomberg, May 18, 2021–Kate KraderNew data from the National Restaurant Association, a Washington-based industry group, found that 90,000 restaurants across the U.S. have closed permanently or long-term. That’s less than …

Senators Still Can’t Find Common Ground on Flood Insurance Reform
National Mortgage News, May 18, 2021-Hannah Lang (subscription)Mortgage lenders have much riding on a yearslong effort to overhaul a program that requires homeowners to hold policies in flood-prone areas. A …

Staffing Shortages Pose a Threat to Hotels’ Budding Recovery
Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2021–Dave Sebastian (subscription)Hotels say they are struggling to hire enough housekeepers, kitchen staff and other hourly workers—including the ones they laid off early in the …

Investors Bet on Commercial Real Estate, Undeterred by Empty Offices and Hotel Rooms
Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2021–Konrad Putzier (subscription)By most measures, the U.S. commercial real-estate market is in remarkably solid shape. Prices fell far less than after the 2008 financial crisis …

Quantum Shift Looms for Office
Commercial Property Executive, May 17, 2021–Paul FiorillaThe typical question about a recovery is how long it will take for a property sector to return to its previous status. In the …

The CRE Industry is Battling Back Against Proposed Tax Reforms
Wealth Management Real Estate, May 17, 2021–Beth Mattson-TeigCommercial real estate stakeholders are digging in to battle proposed tax reforms that could deal a devastating blow to the investment marketplace.https://www.wealthmanagement.com/investment-strategies/cre-industry-battling-back-against-proposed-tax-reforms?

U.S. Retail Sales Were Unchanged in April After Surging a Month Earlier
Reuters, May 14, 2021–Lucia MutikaniU.S. retail sales unexpectedly stalled in April as the boost from stimulus checks faded, but an acceleration is likely in the coming months amid record savings …

Economic Demand is Back. Supply is the Problem
Bloomberg, May 14, 2021–Mohamed A. El ErianThe difficulty in obtaining raw materials and workers has long-term implications for prices, growth and corporate balance sheets.https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-05-14/economic-demand-is-back-supply-is-the-problem?srnd=premium

MBA Opens Doors Foundation Surpasses 7,000 Families Helped with $10.3 Million in Grants During 10-Year Anniversary
The MBA Opens Doors Foundation announced it has now provided more than $10.3 million in rental and mortgage payment grants to more than 7,000 families.