Wells Fargo Securities on Retail’s Future

Measures taken to contain coronavirus harmed the retail sector, but the pandemic might re-shape retail in positive ways, said Wells Fargo Securities, Charlotte, N.C.

Save on FedEx Shipping through MBA Member Advantage Program

Through the MBA Member Advantage Program, you can save up to 29 percent on small package shipping with FedEx. https://www.mba.org/members/member-resources/member-advantage-program?utm_source=Informz&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=mba.org&_zs=o2eVM1&_zl=I4M64

The Pandemic’s CRE Domino Effect

American Banker, June 10, 2020–Kate Berry (subscription)As revenue-starved retailers fall further behind on rent payments, landlords’ cash flow will be strained, and defaults on commercial real estate loans could rise.https://www.americanbanker.com/news/the-pandemics-cre-domino-effect