KKR Caps Withdrawals on Real Estate Trust in Latest Pullback

Bloomberg, Jan. 19, 2023–Allison McNeelyKKR & Co. joined rivals including Blackstone Inc. in limiting withdrawals from a real estate investment trust after investors sought to pull out more money.https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-19/kkr-caps-withdrawals-on-real-estate-trust-following-blackstone?srnd=premium

Freddie Mac Multifamily Production Volume Reaches LIHTC Record of Nearly $1 Billion

MortgageOrb, Jan. 18, 2023–Ariana FineFreddie Mac Multifamily’s 2022 production volume totaled $73.8 billion, including a record of nearly $1 billion in Low-Income Housing Tax Credit equity investments.https://mortgageorb.com/freddie-mac-multifamily-production-volume-reaches-lihtc-record-of-nearly-1-billion