Lower Prices, More Deals as Convention Hotels Jockey for a Recovery

Wealth Management Real Estate, April 27, 2021–Bendix AndersonInvestors spent billions of dollars to buy full-service convention hotels in the first months of 2021. These bigger hotels—which typically include restaurants and …

Shoppers Return to Malls, With an Urge to Spend

Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2021–Esther Fung (subscription)Vaccinated shoppers are heading back to the mall, offering hope that the worst of the pandemic downturn is over for this beleaguered industry.https://www.wsj.com/articles/shoppers-return-to-malls-with-an-urge-to-spend-11619501737?

Cities Need Housing. Parking Requirements Make it Harder

Bloomberg, Apr. 26, 2021–Laura Friedman, Donald ShoupThere’s a crisis plaguing cities throughout the U.S. that’s driving up poverty, homelessness and carbon emissions. It lowers quality of life, brings respiratory illness …

Insurance Costs Threaten Florida Real-Estate Boom

Wall Street Journal, Apr. 25, 2021–Leslie Scism, Arian Campo-Flores (subscription)Florida’s property-insurance market is in trouble, as mounting carrier losses and rising premiums threaten the state’s booming real-estate market, according to …

Giant U.S. Landlords Pursue Evictions Despite CDC Ban

Reuters, Apr. 23, 2021–Michelle ConlinComprehensive nationwide figures aren’t available. But according to the Princeton University Eviction Lab, 318,091 households have faced eviction proceedings during the pandemic in the 27 cities …

USAA Acquires Full Ownership of Square Mile Capital

Real Estate Weekly, April 23, 2021USAA Real Estate completed the long-planned acquisition of the remaining interest in Square Mile Capital, New York.https://rew-online.com/usaa-acquires-full-ownership-of-square-mile-capital/