Redfin: Amount Renters Need to Earn Drops

Redfin, Seattle, found that renters need to earn $63,680 to afford the $1,592 median asking rent for a U.S. apartment, the lowest amount needed since March 2022.

Redfin: Renters Staying in Homes Longer

Redfin, Seattle, released a new analysis finding that over a third–33.6%–of renters have lived in the same home for at least five years.

Redfin: Renter Population Growth Beats Buyers in Q2

Redfin, Seattle, released a recent report highlighting that the number of renter households in the U.S. grew more than three times faster than the number of homeowner households in Q2.

Redfin: New Apartments Filling Slowly

Redfin, Seattle, released a report highlighting that newly built apartments are filling up at the slowest pace since the first quarter of 2020.