Redfin: Amount Renters Need to Earn Drops

Redfin, Seattle, found that renters need to earn $63,680 to afford the $1,592 median asking rent for a U.S. apartment, the lowest amount needed since March 2022.

Redfin: Renters Staying in Homes Longer

Redfin, Seattle, released a new analysis finding that over a third–33.6%–of renters have lived in the same home for at least five years.

Redfin: 2025 Likely to See More Sales

Redfin, Seattle, released predictions from its economists for next year, anticipating there will be more sales due to pent-up demand, but some Americans hoping to buy will still be priced out.

Redfin: Asking Rents Up 0.6% in September

Redfin, Seattle, found asking rents rose by 0.6% year-over-year in September to $1,634. On a monthly basis, they fell 0.2% from August.