Few industries have been more affected by the pandemic than the retail industry. Already adapting to a greater emphasis on experiential and online retail trends (Retail 2.0), retailers have also had to incorporate health, wellness and safety concerns into their calculus.
Tag: MBA Education
Introduction to Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities May 19
A critical component of commercial real estate financing, commercial mortgage-backed securities involves numerous industry participants, provisions and considerations with how the security is ultimately structured. This MBA Education webinar will lay out the foundational concepts that everyone working in commercial real estate finance needs to know about CMBS and the CMBS market.
Harnessing and Leveraging Data in Today’s CRE Markets May 18
Whether in pursuit of efficiency or AI-enabled decision making, data is an increasingly important asset for companies. Join MBA Education and industry experts to learn how leaders in commercial lending are incorporating data in their business strategies, getting more value from their data and explore the future of data in commercial lending.
Construction Loan Considerations During the COVID-19 Pandemic April 28
Construction lending calls for a high degree of accuracy to mitigate its inherent risks, yet the COVID-19 pandemic has made business much more difficult and complex. Will Mitchell, CEO of Rabbet, will discuss why market participants must shift their focus when reviewing construction loans.
School of Multifamily Mortgage Banking Starts April 19
MBA Education’s School of Multifamily Mortgage Banking provides a comprehensive and interactive look at the critical elements of multifamily real estate finance. Attendees will walk away with a thorough understanding of the multifamily lending cycle, key players and products in multifamily mortgage finance and the critical role of capital markets and securitization.
Priced to Perfection: Commercial Real Estate Values Inch Up
As the anniversary of COVID significantly impacting the U.S. and commercial/multifamily property markets passes, challenging questions about property values remain top of mind.
MBA Education CRE Basics: Underwriting Multifamily and Valuation Starts Nov. 23
MBA Education’s Commercial Real Estate Basics class, Underwriting Multifamily and Valuation, starts November 23, 2020.
MBA Education CRE Basics: Introduction to Commercial/Multifamily Real Estate Starts Jan. 12
The goal of MBA Education’s CRE Basics: Introduction to Commercial/Multifamily Real Estate course is to help participants understand the foundation of commercial real estate.
MBA Education CRE Basics: Underwriting Multifamily and Valuation Starts November 23
MBA Education’s Commercial Real Estate Basics class, Underwriting Multifamily and Valuation, starts November 23, 2020.
CREF Highlights Oct. 15, 2020
Commercial and multifamily developments and activities from MBA relevant to your business and our industry.