MBA Chart of the Week Oct. 13, 2022: 2021 Housing Stock

At the end of September, HUD and the Census Bureau released 2021 American Housing Survey summary table estimates in the AHS Table Creator and 2021 AHS National and Metro Public Use File microdata. The AHS, last updated with 2019 data, is the “most comprehensive national housing survey in the United States,” and provides information about the quality and cost of housing, including data on “the physical condition of homes and neighborhoods, the costs of financing and maintaining homes, and the characteristics of people who live in these homes.”

MBA Chart of the Week: Rent Growth–Year-over-Year Percentage Change

This week’s MBA Chart of the Week highlights a question related to housing costs and inflation: If home price appreciation and rent growth have been in double digits in the past few quarters—as highlighted by the (blue lined) Zillow Observed Rent Index in the chart—why is the shelter component (orange line) of the Consumer Price Index below 6%?

MBA Chart of the Week: Renters/Mortgagors & Missed Payments

The Research Institute for Housing America, MBA’s think tank, released updated first-quarter results that allow us to assess how renters, mortgagors and student loan borrowers fared over the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

RIHA: Less Than 10% of Renters Have Missed Multiple Payments During Pandemic

Slightly under five million households did not make their rent or mortgage payments in March, an improvement from December 2020 and the lowest number since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, new research from the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Research Institute for Housing America reported.