Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) is designed to reduce volatility for banks and deliver predictable and consistent returns for investors. With the variation of adoption dates, some as early as …
Tag: Current Expected Credit Losses

Federal Agencies Issue Final Rule to Mitigate CECL Effects
Three federal agencies on Friday announced actions to allow banking organizations to continue lending to households and businesses: providing an optional extension of the regulatory capital transition for the new credit loss accounting standard; and allowing early adoption of a new methodology on how certain banking organizations are required to measure counterparty credit risk derivatives contracts.

FDIC Chair Calls for FASB to Delay CECL Rule Amid Pandemic
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chair Jelena McWilliams, in a Mar. 19 letter to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, urged FASB to delay or postpone implementation of its current expected credit losses accounting rules.