MBA Hosts CREF Emerging Tech Roundtable

Twenty individuals representing technology firms and companies leveraging technology to finance commercial real estate, met virtually Wednesday, January 13th.

CREF Highlights Sept. 17, 2020

Commercial and multifamily developments and activities from MBA relevant to your business and our industry.

CREF Market Intelligence Symposium (Virtual) Jul. 8-9

MBA’s new CREF Market Intelligence Symposium cuts through the talking-head clutter to provide hard facts about the state of commercial real estate markets – and what we do and don’t …


A summary of the legislative, regulatory and operational items our membership has asked MBA to help address, including actions, next steps and how you can get involved.

MBA Coronavirus, Treasuries & CRE Finance Webinar

The Mortgage Bankers Association hosted a webinar on March 12 with commercial real estate finance industry leaders covering current events and market developments.