MBA Vice President of Commercial Real Estate Research Jamie Woodwell looks at where CRE finance stands today in a new blog post.
CMF Newslinks Archive
Hotel Industry Seeks $150B Bailout as Marriott Begins Furloughs
The Real Deal, Mar. 18, 2020The hotel industry is coming to White House hat in hand as the coronavirus pandemic has chilled global travel. The American hospitality industry asked the …
Commercial Real Estate Finding It’s Not Immune to the Coronavirus
Commercial Property Executive, Mar. 18, 2020–Paul FiorillaMonday’s giant sell-off in the stock market, combined with announcements of increasingly draconian closures of businesses, is moving the market toward a steep cutback …
In the Short Term, CRE Will Take a Hit. But Real Estate Economists Advise Investors Not to Panic
Right now, expectations call for a fairly quick rebound, which means holding through may not be too painful.National Real Estate Investor, Mar, 17, 2020–Sebastian Obando
CMBS at a Standstill as Panic Grips Financial Markets
The Real Deal, Mar. 16, 2020–Rich BockmannVolatility in real estate securities from fear over the spreading coronavirus is holding up new loans, refinancings.
MBA Coronavirus, Treasuries & CRE Finance Webinar
The Mortgage Bankers Association hosted a webinar on March 12 with commercial real estate finance industry leaders covering current events and market developments.
MBANow: MBA SVP Mike Flood Discusses CREF Listening Tour
New Mortgage Bankers Association Senior Vice President Mike Flood sat down with MBANow to discuss his background, why he joined the association and his new “listening tour.”
Fed to Create Emergency Backstop for Commercial Debt Market
American Banker, Mar. 17, 2020–Hannah Lang (subscription)The Federal Reserve said it will use emergency authority to provide a liquidity backstop for commercial debt issuers as the coronavirus scare has raised …
Regional Mall Owners Face One of Their Toughest Weeks on Record. How Will They Cope?
National Real Estate Investor, Mar. 17, 2020–Elaine Misonzhnik Restaurant and store closings might mean some very tough decisions for regional mall landlords.
Construction Lenders Are Open For Business Amid COVID-19 Disruption
GlobeStreet, Mar. 17, 2020–Kelsi Maree BorlandWhile there is more prudence, construction projects are still moving through COVID-19 challenges.