FDIC Chair Calls for FASB to Delay CECL Rule Amid Pandemic

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chair Jelena McWilliams, in a Mar. 19 letter to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, urged FASB to delay or postpone implementation of its current expected credit losses accounting rules.

REITs Aren’t Dead

DS News, Mar. 19, 2020–Seth WelbornAs the role of non-bank lenders has shifted in the past few years, regulators are considered allowing further growth for these mortgage institutions and REITs. …

Real Estate Billionaire’s Bleak Mortgage Warning Looks Timely

Bloomberg News, March 24, 2020–Marcus Ashworth The U.S. commercial real estate sector could be the next shoe to drop for the Federal Reserve; it may need some emergency triage. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/real-estate-billionaires-bleak-mortgage-warning-looks-timely/2020/03/24/ef7d8648-6de7-11ea-a156-0048b62cdb51_story.html

MBA, Trade Groups Ask Treasury to Delay Like-Kind Exchange Deadlines

The Mortgage Bankers Association and other industry trade groups asked the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service to delay deadlines applicable to like-kind exchanges currently underway to ensure liquidity in real estate markets during the coronavirus pandemic.