31% Can’t Pay the Rent: ‘It’s Only Going to Get Worse’

New York Times, Apr. 8, 2020–Conor Dougherty As the economic shutdown pares tenants’ incomes, April payments have been reduced, deferred or withheld. Some landlords see their property at risk. www.nytimes.com/2020/04/08/business/economy/coronavirus-rent.html?

New York City Apartment Leases Tumble While Renters Stay Put

Bloomberg, Apr. 9, 2020–Oshrat Carmiel New York apartment leases plunged last month as coronavirus stay-at-home orders kept the city’s renters from moving. www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-09/new-york-city-apartment-leases-tumble-while-renters-stay-put?srnd=premium =

CRE’s Potential Winners and Losers in a Virus-Hit World

National Real Estate Investor, Apr. 13, 2020–Elaine Misonzhnik COVID-19 will likely leave the world and the commercial real estate industry looking different than before. Here’s how the current pandemic could …