MAA Quarterly Webinar: Townhall Legislative Update: May 2
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About the Event
Join MBA’s Legislative and Political Affairs Team during MAA Action Week for an update on Washington. This MAA Quarterly Webinar will provide key policy updates – along with case studies describing how MBA staff is advocating for our association members to help achieve pro-industry outcomes.
Your RSVP will establish or renew your MAA membership. Please use MAA2024 to receive complimentary access to this webinar.
• Thursday, May 2 (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET)
• Provide an additional benefit to MAA members, by keeping them abreast of legislative and public policy events affecting the industry
• Provide further incentives for MAA enrollment and allow MAA members to engage at a deeper level on specific issues
Experience Level
• Entry-Level
• Intermediate
• Advanced
• Bill Killmer, SVP, Legislative & Political Affairs, Mortgage Bankers Association
• Rachel Kelley, VP, Legislative Affairs, Mortgage Bankers Association
• Ethan Saxon, VP, Legislative Affairs, Mortgage Bankers Association
• Madisyn Rhone, VP, Legislative Affairs, Mortgage Bankers Association
• George Rogers, VP, Legislative Affairs, Mortgage Bankers Association
• Jamey Lynch, AVP, Political Affairs, Mortgage Bankers Association