MBA President and CEO Bob Broeksmit, CMB, on Recent Coverage of Uncertainty in Commercial Real Estate Markets
Bob Broeksmit, CMB, President and CEO of the Mortgage Bankers Association, issued the following statement on recent coverage of uncertainty in commercial real estate markets:

MBA Letter Addresses Risks to Proposed SEC Rule on Securitizations
The Mortgage Bankers Association, in a Mar. 27 letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission, said a proposed rule to curb certain material conflicts of interest in securitizations is flawed and would present risks to that market.

MBA Chart of the Week, Mar. 30, 2023: CRE Loans/FDIC-Insured Institutions
There is, not inappropriately, a great deal of attention being paid to commercial real estate right now. And with that attention come a lot of different questions and answers—with many answers varying depending on how one defines things.

MBA CREF Policy Update March 30, 2023
Commercial and multifamily developments and activities from MBA important to your business and our industry.

Commercial Property Prices Down 7% From Year Ago
The commercial property pricing decline steepened in February, pulled down by a sharp fall in the apartment sector, reported MSCI, New York.

RealPage: Class A Apartments Command 28% Rent Premium Over Class B
A growing gap between Class A apartment rents and Class B rents is increasing investment activity in middle-market Class B product, reported RealPage, Richardson, Texas.

HUD Updates Guidance for Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance Contract Renewals
On Monday HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs updated its guidance for owners of properties participating in its Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance program.

AFIRE: U.S. Still Preferable to Europe for CRE Investment
AFIRE, Washington, D.C., reported the U.S. remains a preferred destination compared to Europe for real estate investment across property types, despite challenges.