mPact Events During MBA NAC 22
The Mortgage Bankers Association’s National Advocacy Conference is back in person, April 26 – 27, in Washington, DC. This is the industry’s largest in-person advocacy event of the year focused solely on the issues facing you and the real estate finance industry.

Not registered yet? Attend for Less.
Take advantage of the $99 mPact rate. Join your peers in gaining key insights into the intersection of public policy and business segments of the real estate industry. Need another reason? We have two! Take a look at the exclusive networking opportunities you might miss if you don’t register.
Already Registered? RSVP for Exclusive Networking. Before you go, be sure to RSVP for one or both mPact events below before space runs out.
mPact Downtown DC Networking Reception
April 25 | 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. ET | Renaissance DC Downtown Hotel, miXX Bar | RSVP
Join your peers and MBA leadership for a networking opportunity the evening before MBA’s National Advocacy Conference in Washington, DC. The reception is open to all young professionals attending the conference. Pack your business cards and be ready to network in the nation’s capital. For more information, contact Jacky Salazar. You must be registered for MBA’s National Advocacy Conference to attend. Register now.
mPact Networking Event: Capitol Hill Overview and Networking Breakfast
April 26 | 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM ET | Meeting Room 15 | RSVP
Join us for a special event to kick off the first day of MBA’s National Advocacy Conference. mPact’s Capitol Hill Overview and Networking Breakfast provides a unique opportunity to engage with Capitol Hill staffers and learn best practices for effective advocacy within your own organization. Come prepared to network and bring your pressing questions for the experts. You must be registered for MBA’s National Advocacy Conference to attend. Register now.