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Meet Your New Landlord: Wall Street
Wall Street Journal, July 21, 2017--Ryan Dezember, Laura Kusisto (subscription)Big investors transform suburban neighborhoods by buying up single-family homes and renting them out.
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Happy Birthday Dodd-Frank: The Big Banks Learned Nothing
HousingWire, July 21, 2017--Jacob Gaffney[Friday was] the 7th anniversary of Dodd-Frank and the 6th anniversary of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And here's where we are: The big banks are still wearing blinders. And here's the proof.
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Flood Insurance Reform Deal Adds Momentum to House Bill
National Mortgage News, July 21, 2017--Brian Collins (subscription)House Financial Services Committee leaders and two top real estate trade groups have cut a deal on a bill to reform the National Flood Insurance Program, which will add momentum to the legislation.
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America’s Hottest Properties: Data Centers and Cell Towers
Wall Street Journal, July 25, 2017--Esther Fung (subscription)As more people consume digital content and make purchases online, landlords and owners of data centers and cell towers that house cables and beam data to smartphones are looking to expand faster.
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