MBA Updates C/MF Mortgage Banking Licensing Law Resource

The Mortgage Bankers Association updated its state-by-state compilation of commercial/multifamily mortgage state licensing requirements.

This member-only benefit, while not legal advice or guidance, provides a way for MBA members to learn more about the mortgage licensing law framework for various states.

“This resource has been accessed by hundreds of MBA members,” said MBA President and CEO David Stevens, CMB. “We hope that it continues to be a useful in helping you assess state-level requirements and engage in business planning for the future.”

This resource includes relevant state licensing requirements for commercial mortgage banking and brokerage on a state-by-state basis, sources for this information and applicable statutory references. It also includes contact information for pertinent government agencies and applications. Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLC Partner Haydn Richards helped develop and update it.  

MBA compiled the information in this resource came from state government websites, state licensing officials and statutory language. It focuses on state-level licensing requirements. Applicable business or mortgage licensing requirements, including from county, municipal or other jurisdictions, were not examined. 

Click here for more information. As a member benefit, a member login and password is required. Your member login is your e-mail address. If your password is not available, you can reset your password by going to and selecting the “Log In” link at the top of the page. Select “Forgot/Reset Password?” to receive instructions for resetting your password.