MBANow Video: Stevens Discusses Housing & 2016 Elections

The Mortgage Bankers launched the first in its series of online programs this week, featuring MBA President and CEO David Stevens, CMB, discussing housing affordability issues and the upcoming elections.  

Stevens, in an interview with MBA Associate Vice President Rob Van Raaphorst, said one issue noticeably absent in the election discussion is housing.  

“Housing is one of the most overlooked subjects [among] the presidential candidates,” Stevens said. “I think what they fail to realize is that we are in the middle of what could be the next great housing crisis in this country. We have tens of millions of Americans spending far too much money on their paychecks for rental housing.”  

Stevens said MBA has been holding discussions with all of the presidential candidates to educate them on housing issues and encouraging them to speak up more about housing affordability and other housing issues.   MBANow is a new short form online program produced by the Mortgage Bankers Association covering issues important to the entire housing real estate finance industry.  

The five-minute video can be accessed at