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Returns On Capital–And Interest Rates–Will Be Low In The Future
Forbes, Apr. 5, 2016--Conerly, Bill There's good reason to expect long-term returns on capital to be lower than historic averages in the coming decade. This conclusion is somewhat speculative but one that should concern every investor in every investment class.
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U.S. Official Overseeing Wall Street Mortgage Probes to Leave
Bloomberg, Apr. 5, 2016--Schoenberg, Tom  Stuart Delery, the Justice Department official overseeing civil investigations of banks for conduct related to the financial crisis, is stepping down April 14 to explore options in the private sector.
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The Federal Reserve is Back in the Drivers Seat
Wall Street Journal, Apr. 5, 2016--Eisen, Ben As stocks sold off and volatility surged earlier this year, the talk of the markets was whether the Federal Reserve had lost control of the markets. Those concerns are going away quickly.
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Minneapolis Fed Chief: U.S. Needs to Guard Against Failure of Giant Banks
Minnesota Public Radio, Apr. 5, 2016--Moylan, Martin  Minneapolis Federal Reserve President Neel Kashkari believes not enough has been done to protect the country should one or more of the nation's megabanks face failure.
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Retail Rents Could Increase by 4 Percent in 2016
National Real Estate Investor, Apr. 4, 2016--Mitchell, Donna   The retail sector could see a 4.0 percent increase in rents in 2016, said commercial real estate services firm CBRE.
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Total U.S. Commercial, Multifamily Mortgage Debt Outstanding at $2.83 Trillion
World Property Journal, Apr. 1, 2016--Rachid, Monsef According to the Mortgage Bankers Association's latest Commercial/Multifamily DataBook, the fourth quarter was the fourth highest quarter for borrowing and lending on record.
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Anbang, Know Your Customer
Bloomberg, Apr. 1, 2016--Fickling, David; Gopalon, Nisha Get over your shock that Anbang Insurance dropped its $14 billion takeover offer for Starwood Hotels. It's more surprising that the proposal got so far in the first place.
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Too Big to Fail and Too Weird to Finance
Bloomberg, Apr. 1, 2016--Levine, Matt The MetLife decision counts as a loss for the post-crisis system of trying to create systemic stability by prudentially regulating (and/or shrinking) too-big-to-fail firms. The GE application surely counts as a victory.
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Deutsche, JPM Find a Way Forward With Reworked, Bank-Only CMBS
Reuters, Apr. 1, 2016--Wiltermuth, Joy Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan stripped out non-bank collateral on their latest commercial mortgage bond before it was sold to investors, winning favor with the simpler structure in a market scarred by volatility and regulatory pressures.
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GE Files to End Fed Oversight After Shrinking GE Capital
Wall Street Journal, Mar. 31, 2016--Mann, Ted General Electric Co. formally asked to be released from supervision by the Federal Reserve on Thursday, saying it has sufficiently shrunk its once-massive financial services arm so it would no longer pose a systemic threat to the financial system.
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MetLife’s Shedding Of ‘Too Big To Fail’ Designation Could Boost Commercial Real Estate Lending
Forbes, Apr. 6, 2016--Razin, Ely We can reasonably expect MetLife's commercial real estate lending to increase in the medium-to-long term by reducing the government-imposed capital requirements required of systemically important financial institutions.
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