Ten-X: CRE Volume Bounces Back in 2Q

Commercial real estate investment activity expanded in the second quarter after a “sharp” contraction early in the year, reported Ten-X, Irvine, Calif.

Commercial/Multifamily Briefs

Arbor Realty Trust, Uniondale, N.Y., closed a $365 million commercial real estate mortgage securitization.

CBRE: Houston ‘Resilient’ After Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey dropped more than 50 inches of rain in the Houston area, but the city has survived at least eight other severe floods and hurricanes since 1998 and it will rebound from this, too, said CBRE, Los Angeles.

Expectations for Institutional Returns Slip

Institutional investors expect commercial real estate returns to slip over the next year, the Pension Real Estate Association’s Consensus Forecast survey said.