The Lede

Top National News

What Could Replace Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?
Miami Herald, Aug. 5, 2016--Nehamas, Nicholas "There has to be structural reform before the market can function," said MBA President and CEO David Stevens, CMB.
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Mortgage Credit Loosens in July
Scotsman Guide, Aug. 5, 2016--Whitman, Victor MBA says credit availability up 1%.
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Commercial Real Estate Exec Seeks to Become NYC Mayor
National Mortgage Professional, Aug. 5, 2016--Hall, Phil  A New York real estate executive is seeking elected office as a Republican.
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New Rules Aim to Protect Widowed Homeowners from Foreclosure
Los Angeles Times, Aug. 5, 2016--Khouri, Andrew Consumer Financial Protection Bureu rules would give protections to spouses.
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Purchasing Tips for First-Time Homebuyers
UExpress, Aug. 5, 2016--Sichelman, Lew Housing market continues to heat up.
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Nonbank Mortgage Sector Experiences Surge in Hiring
National Mortgage News, Aug. 5, 2016--Collins, Brian Independent mortgage banks, brokers add nearly 6,000 jobs in June.
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MSR Adjustments to Pressure Earnings in 2H16: Kroll
National Mortgage News, Aug. 5, 2016--Passy, Jacob Agency says mortgage servicing rights' impact continues to be felt.
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For More U.S. Cities, Downtown Is a Center of Economic Strength
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 5, 2016--Calvert, Scott Gains in the heart of many U.S. cities come at time of wider neighborhood decline.
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Weekly Mortgage Market Index Climbs, Refis Lead
Mortgage Daily, Aug. 8, 2016 New refinance activity at 17-year high, says OpenClose.
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MBA CEO: Next Administration has a Clean Slate for Housing
HousingWire, Aug. 5, 2016--Ramirez, Kelsey David Stevens, CMB, calls 2016 elections 'opportunity to pivot.'
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American Paradox: It’s Never Been Cheaper for Cities and States to Borrow Money…And They Refuse to Do It
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 7, 2016--Harrison, David; Gillers, Heather Wall Street urging governments to invest in big-ticket projects; voters and officials say, 'not so fast.'
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New York’s Stalled Residential Construction
New York Times, Aug. 5, 2016--Hughes, C.J. Despite a building boom, some residential buildings haven't gotten off the ground.
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Are Nonprofit Loan Buyers Really Good for the Mortgage Market?
National Mortgage News, Aug. 5, 2016--Passy, Jacob Community development entities are forestalling foreclosures, but skepticism remains.
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Initial Thoughts: Did the CFPB Successfully Update TRID?
HousingWire, Aug. 5, 2016--Swanson, Brena Analysts say some ambiguities remain.
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U.S. Trade Deficit Rises to Ten-Month High in June
Reuters, Aug. 5, 2016 Rising domestic demand, higher oil prices boost import bill.
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Threat of Lawsuits Crimps Condo Developments
Wall Street Journal, Aug. 7, 2016--Kirkham, Chris Exposure to liability for potential construction defects weighs decisions.
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Residential Finance News

Commercial/Multifamily News

MBA News

MBA Accepting Entries for Diversity & Inclusion Residential Leadership Awards; Deadline Today
Awards Recognize Excellence, Innovation in Workplace Diversity and Inclusion
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MBA Annual Convention Returns to Boston Oct. 23-26
Convention features Megyn Kelly, James Taylor, Mark & Scott Kelly
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MBA Education Flood Insurance: Coverage & Claim Perspectives Webinar Aug. 18
Fundamental Concepts of Flood Insurance
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Upcoming MBA Education Introduction to Mortgage Banking Courses
Career Development for New Hires, Interns, College Students and Career-Changers
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