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Mortgage Applications for New Homes fall in October
Scotsman Guide, Nov. 16, 2018--Victor WhitmanNew-home purchase applications declined 2.1 percent compared to the October 2017 pace, but were up by 11 percent over September without adjusting for seasonal changes. The Mortgage Bankers Association estimated new-home sales rose by 4.7 percent from the September pace to a seasonally adjusted rate of 673,000 units in October.
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U.S. Household Debt Continues to Climb in 3rd Quarter
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 16, 2018--Harriet Torry (subscription)Household indebtedness continued to climb in the third quarter, with balances continuing to rise for almost all types of borrowing, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported Friday.
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As Demand for Office Space Moderates, Some CBD Markets May Experience Outsized Loan Losses
National Real Estate Investor, Nov. 16, 2018--Patricia KirkCentral business district office assets have enjoyed eight years of robust demand and growth in both rents and valuations. But as the market corrects, office assets in CBDs without a diverse economy or favorable supply-demand dynamics risk loss in values and loan loss severity.
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Ginnie Mae Intensifies Scrutiny of Financings, Subservicer Pacts
National Mortgage News, Nov. 16, 2018--Bonnie Sinnock (subscription)Ginnie Mae is adding steps to its process for evaluating new issuers, including new notification requirements related to subservicer advances, servicing income, and borrowing facilities secured by mortgage servicing rights.
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Why Jumbo Mortgage Lenders Continue to Relax Underwriting Standards
National Mortgage News, Nov. 16, 2018--Brad Finkelstein (subscription)Bank jumbo mortgage underwriting standards weakened in the third quarter by the most in three years and as profitability remains under pressure, loosening should continue at an accelerated pace, a Moody's report said.
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Sometimes, Rules Are Too Harsh
UExpress, Nov. 16, 2018--Lew SichelmanThe number of homes being built in communities operated by a homeowners' association is rising. But not all the folks who purchase those homes realize what they are getting themselves into.
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Financial Overregulation Wasted the Last Eight Years
The Hill, Nov. 18, 2018--Thomas VartanianNone of the four non-bank companies originally designated as systemically important financial institutions between July 2013 and December 2014 are still SIFIs. The designations of GECC, AIG and Prudential were all eventually rescinded, and MetLife successfully challenged its designation in federal court.
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Will Democrats’ Midterm Success Spur Progress on GSE Reform?
National Mortgage News, Nov. 18, 2018--Hannah Lang (subscription)Since 2015, Republicans have largely presided over congressional attempts to reform housing finance, or the lack thereof. Come January, House Democrats will have more say about where to place Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the agenda.
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Fed’s Clarida Says Central Bank Getting Closer to Neutral and Should be ‘Data Dependent’ on More Hikes
CNBC, Nov. 16, 2018--Jeff CoxFederal Reserve Board Vice Chairman Richard Clarida said the central bank's benchmark short-term rate is getting closer to a "neutral" level. The distinction is important for the Fed as it moves to a policy that is neither restrictive nor stimulative.
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MBA Technology Solutions Conference & Expo Mar. 24-27 in Dallas
The Mortgage Bankers Association's Technology Solutions Conference & Expo 2019 takes place Mar. 24-27 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas.
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