MBA, Trade Groups Urge Senate Approval of Compton as HUD General Counsel

The Mortgage Bankers Association and numerous industry trade groups sent a letter yesterday to Senate leadership, urging them to move forward Paul Compton’s nomination as HUD General Counsel.

Compton was nominated earlier this year by President Trump and approved by the Senate Banking Committee in July.

“The aftermath of hurricanes Harvey and Irma require strong leadership from HUD,” the letter said. “The General Counsel plays a critical role in creating and approving disaster relief programs and coordination between federal agencies. Mr. Compton has demonstrated a commitment to affordable housing, and vast experience with complex financial transactions. His familiarity with HOME and CDBG make him a perfect candidate to serve as General Counsel. His expertise can help HUD and our nation through this trying time.”

More than two dozen trade groups joined MBA in the letter. “We urge you to provide HUD all the necessary resources to help in the disaster recovery,” the letter said. “Putting the General Counsel in place is a critical part of that process. Please bring the vote of Paul Compton to the Senate floor.”