MBA Education Path to Diversity Scholar Profile: Ashley Puckett, CMB, AMP

One in a continuing series of profiles of participants in the MBA Education Path to Diversity (P2D) Scholarship Program, which enables employees from diverse backgrounds to advance their professional growth and career development.

–Tell us a little about yourself

Ashley Puckett, CMB, AMP

My name is Ashley Puckett and I am the Sr. Capital Markets Analyst at Vellum Mortgage, an IMB based in Fairfax, VA. I grew up in Harlem, GA and currently live in Atlanta, GA.  I went to school at Georgia Southern University, located in the lovely little town of Statesboro, GA. GATA Eagles. When work is done for the day, I am a proud boy mom to my 2 handsome buddies, ages 5 and 4. You can catch us on the ball field, watching The Braves and Dawgs play, traveling, listening to live music, and trying new recipes in the kitchen.

I started in the mortgage industry in Fall 2011 as a Loan Processor. After a few months, I moved into Post Closing and learned all aspects of the back-end process. An opportunity arose in Secondary Marketing and I have been here ever since. What I love about Secondary Marketing is the challenge it brings along with connecting all departments together.

–How did you learn about the MBA Path to Diversity Program? What inspired you to become more involved?

I learned about the Path to Diversity Scholarship while looking at the SOMB classes on MBA’s website. I read the criteria and decided to apply. I was inspired to become more involved due to seeing colleagues at my company and industry peers in my local area networking and volunteering at events.

Stepping out of my comfort zone and becoming more involved has afforded me to meet so many incredible mortgage professionals in the last few years that I can truly call friends. I love having them to lean into if I have questions or need encouragement to take myself to the next level in my career.

Working for a company like Vellum who has been super supportive of my individual, professional goals in obtaining my AMP and now CMB designations, attending conferences, and networking events gives me the extra push to get out there and be even more involved within our industry.

–Did you find the application process to be user-friendly?

I found the application process was super easy and very user-friendly.

–How has the Path to Diversity scholarship benefited you, personally and professionally? What have you been able to bring back to your company as a result of the Path to Diversity program?

The Path to Diversity Scholarship has afforded me the ability to learn more about our industry and do a deeper dive into topics that I did not know as much about. Personally, taking the financial burden off not only me, but my company to take classes and get designations is a huge benefit of applying to the scholarship.

A big thank you to all the companies and people that have generously donated to the scholarship fund. As far as what I have been able to bring back to my company, that would be confidence, education, and networking resources, all of which are very valuable.

–What would you say to someone considering applying for a Path to Diversity scholarship?

Do not hesitate and submit the application. The connections and knowledge you receive from attending a conference and/or taking a class is invaluable.

About the MBA Path to Diversity Scholarship Program

The Path to Diversity Scholarship Program recognizes existing industry professionals who are seeking to advance their careers through continuing education. Recipients receive a voucher to cover course registration fees, up to a maximum of $2,000, for popular MBA Education courses and designation programs. This education opportunity enables employees from diverse backgrounds to advance their professional growth and career development.

MBA recognizes that a strong, responsible and sustainable real estate finance industry requires a workforce that is reflective of our society at large.

For more information about the Path to Diversity Scholarship Program, click here.