National MI, MBA Opens Doors Foundation Celebrate Five Years of Partnership

Since 2012, the MBA Opens Doors Foundation has worked side by side with families whose homes are in jeopardy while caring for a critically ill or injured child. Through its Home Grant Program, the Foundation has helped nearly 17,000 families with more than $25 million in mortgage and rental payment assistance.

Thousands of real estate finance professionals and organizations have given generously, year over year, to make sure that families with a sick or injured child in treatment can focus on getting their child well and not on a home in jeopardy.

One of those partners is National MI. This year, National MI and MBA Opens Doors Foundation celebrate five years of partnership. As part of this year’s corporate sponsorship program, the partnership is undergirded by $.24 for 2024, which National MI provides Opens Doors with $.24 for every new loan insured in 2024.

Over the past five years, National MI has raised more than $175,000 to support the Opens Doors Home Grant Program. Learn more by visiting