Calling All Lenders: Join MISMO’s Inaugural Lender Forum on Aug. 27

MISMO is hosting the first meeting of its new Lender Forum on Tuesday, August 27 at 1:30 PM ET in Reston, Va. or online via Zoom.

This gathering is an opportunity for lenders of all sizes to gather to discuss challenges specific to business, operational and implementation issues facing our industry. Based on the feedback we have received so far, topics of conversation over the coming months will include navigating our current regulatory environment, use of emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), and how to manage associated risks, requirements associated with FHFA’s imminent credit score changes, and much more.

The first meeting will be facilitated by Eric Armstrong of Mr. Cooper, Kevin Bowen of Chase and Suzanne Garwood of Chase.

Attendance is complimentary, and discounts to attend the remainder of the MISMO Fall Summit are available. Please contact to register.
