July 13: CMB Technology Committee Quarterly Webinar: Accelerating the Future of Lending with eClosing
Join us to learn how to create a strong foundation for the adoption of an eClosing platform.
The objective of this Certified Mortgage Banker webinar is to provide a better understanding of the key elements in establishing eClosing as part of the loan closing process. We will help with setting goals, identifying the benefits, and implementation issues when establishing an eClosing model. Learn how to better prepare for eClosing strategy development and implementation within a mortgage bank, help implement eClosing, and/or help sell eClosing solutions to mortgage banks. The webinar will answer the key questions of where to start, what are the expected benefits and costs, implementation strategy, and how to assess vendors. A case-study testimonial will be shared and include steps for execution, and evaluating results.
Click here for more information.
Thursday, July 13 (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET)
Find out where to start: strategy, goals, priorities, and process change management
Identify consumer demands and the value eClosing will bring to the consumer’s closing experience
Determine the return on investment: What are the costs associated with eClosing, overall benefits, and justifying the expense when allocating funds for to budget for it
Learn the technologies needed for implementation and coordinating process changes and strategies for a smooth transition
Experience Level:
Target Audience
All real estate finance professional interested in learning more about automating the closing process via eClosing
Moderator: Craig Focardi, CMB, Celent
Devon Bevis, CMB, AMP, Mr. Cooper
Jason Griesser, CMB
Brenda Clem, CMB Brenda Clem Consulting
Rebecca Frisbie, ICE Mortgage Technology